
Catch us in Spotify with OkLetsGO (in Malay)

Episode 4

In this episode, we dive into why Executive Condominiums will be a hit for upgraders in 2023, discussing the flexibility of deferred payment schemes and the option for purchasers to stay in their own home. Plus, learn how to secure bank loans at low interest rates of 2.6%

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Episode 3

In this episode, we dive into why Executive Condominiums will be a hit for upgraders in 2023, discussing the flexibility of deferred payment schemes and the option for purchasers to stay in their own home. Plus, learn how to secure bank loans at low interest rates of 2.6%

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Episode 2

In this episode, we're excited to share with you the development of our new app that simplifies the process of determining breakeven for property owners, and how to calculate affordability for buyers using cash and CPF. Plus, hear about how we handle tricky situations when a buyer is unable to complete a sale transaction

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Episode 1

As the Singapore property market continues to evolve, we at ZaiDean are keeping a close eye on the latest trends and developments. Join us as we explore the market in 2023 and discover what to expect for buyers and sellers alike

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3